viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

Carta de Drake Bell

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Drake!
I hope you all had a perfect holiday and if I don't get to update before the new year, a perfect New Year's as well. Drake posted a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year blog over at his MySpace. I have typed it up for you guys below, for easy reading! Sorry it wasn't posted earlier.

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping me make 2007 an awesome year. It has been a lot of work, a lot of time away from home and my family, but a whole lot of fun thanks to you. The time I spent on tour, all the people I met and all the wonderful people who were able to come out to the shows will be forever in my memory as my first national tour. Thanks to you I won two Kid's Choice Awards including the first ever Kid's Choice Award given out in England for Favorite Singer. I am sorry that I couldn't make it to the ceremony, but as you know I was filming SUPERHERO! Maybe next year....

2008 looks like it will be an exciting one as well. Both movies I filmed in 2007 will be released on the big screen in March and April. You know what that means...I will be on your TV's promoting them. But before I head off to promote movies, I will be in the studio working on my next album, and we have been talking about another tour in 2008 that may go international, and some more film projects may be lurking around the corner. You will just need to stay tuned to see what happens next.

I have heard that the people who work with me check out my site from time to time. So just in case they do I want to say thank you for all your hard work. I also wanted to thank my friends and family for putting up with me and my crazy schedule.

I will be spending the holidays this year home with my familiy and friends; enjoying some music, the tree, eggnog, the awesome California weather and more food than you can imagine. Most importantly I will be surrounded by the people I love. I wish that for all of you.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'll see you all in 2008."

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